A cataract is a cloudy area in the normally clear lens near the front of the eye. Cataracts are caused by multiple biochemical changes of unknown origin in the eye, and cause blurred or distorted vision. They cannot be prevented from forming, but early detection through regular eye exams can help maintain the clearest vision possible.

The symptoms of cataract can vary widely. They range from blurry/hazy vision, to sensitivity to light and glare while driving, a feeling of “film” over the eye, ghost images, shadowing, or double vision.

Anyone at any age can develop a cataract, but they are more common in those over 55 years old, or those who have had eye injuries or disease, have a family history of cataract, or smoke cigarettes or use certain medications.

Vision loss from cataracts can often be improved with prescription glasses and contact lenses with your optometrist. For people who are significantly affected by cataracts, where your optometrist cannot improve the vision with correction, surgery may be the preferred method of treatment. During cataract surgery, the lens is removed and replaced with a premium intraocular lens. Dr. Wendel offers state-of-the-art cataract surgery, which is performed without needles or stitches 99% of the time.

During cataract surgery, the cloudy lens is emulsified into many small fragments and removed from the eye via a self-sealing wound. The surgery is performed under topical anesthesia and can be done with or without the use of sedation. The intraocular lens choice is customized for the patient during the preoperative assessment. Currently, an intraocular lens is supplied free to the patient as part of their cataract surgery. Recent technological advances have allowed for correction of corneal astigmatism with a TORIC intraocular lens. Even newer technology is now available to reduce the need for glasses following cataract surgery, by up to 90%.

Cataract surgery is a safe and efficient way to improve vision loss caused by cataracts. As with all surgeries, there are risks inherent to the procedure, which may result in a less optimal result. Instances of infection, bleeding, inflammation, retinal detachment, and the need for a second surgery are possible, but very rare.